- Call us today
+44 1582 863387 - Email us:
info@retro-me.co.uk - Address:Unit 31, Westbury Close, Townsend Industrial Estate. Dunstable LU5 5BL
Quick Response
We’re a friendly team and we try to respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible. Call us or email us for everything to do with vintage and retro photo booths.
We sell photo booths and lease them to a range of venues; our booths are money makers!
Quotes, Call Backs and Samples
Give the team a call or send us an email for a quote or if you would like a call back or to see some of our stunning photo print samples.
Quotes & Prices
Message us on: 07904 775277 for a fast quote or price list.
Your Feedback
Is important to us as a team. We want every user of our booths to be happy (you can read some of our client’s feedback on the testimonials page). So, if you’ve used the Retro-Me service in the past and wish to let us know your thoughts, then please email the team.
Thank you,
The Retro-Me Team
Terms and Conditions
Privacy Policy
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